The find command is a versatile tool in Linux for searching and locating files and directories. It allows you to explore the file system and identify specific items based on various criteria.

Basic Structure:

The general structure of the find command is:

find <start_directory> <options>
  • <start_directory>: This specifies the location where the search begins. By default, it starts from the current working directory (.).
  • <options>: These are flags that define how find searches and what information it displays.

Common Use Cases:

  1. Finding Files by Name:

Use the -name option followed by a filename pattern (including wildcards like *).

Example: Find all files with the name “*.txt” in the current directory:

find . -name "*.txt"
  1. Finding Files by Type:

Use the -type option with f for files and d for directories.

Example: Locate all directories within the /home directory:

find /home -type d
  1. Searching by Permissions:

Use the -perm option with a specific permission code (e.g., -u+w for user write permission).

Example: Find all files writable by the user in the /tmp directory:

find /tmp -perm -u+w
  1. Finding Files by Date:

Use the -mtime, -atime, or -ctime options followed by a number and optional modifiers (+ for days after, - for days before) to search based on modification time, access time, or change time, respectively.

Example: Locate files modified in the last 7 days within /var/log:

find /var/log -mtime -7
  1. Taking Actions on Found Files:

The find command can be combined with the -exec or -ok option to perform actions on the found files. However, be cautious, especially with deletion.

Example: Delete all empty files in the current directory (use with caution!):

find . -type f -empty -exec rm -f {} ;


The official source for the Linux find command documentation is the man page. You can access it directly from your terminal by typing:

man find